Gig Harbor Flying Club
We are a non-profit flying club located at the Tacoma Narrows Airport.
Saturday Morning Club Activities
Come and join us – anyone interested in the club is encouraged to attend!
➢ 1st Saturday of each month – we encourage all of you to attend the IMC club meeting, on Zoom and at Bremerton Airport Conference Room (see FAAST announcement)!
➢ Monthly Meeting Saturday – one Saturday a month we have a mandatory Gig Harbor Flying Club safety meeting. Meetings are held at the Tacoma Narrows Airport normally on the second Saturday of each month.
➢ On the remainder of the Saturdays (other than the 1st Saturday and the monthly meeting Saturday), our Gig Harbor Flying Club club CFI’s host a Saturday Coffee and Doughnuts at the Club, a time for hangar flying, socializing, networking, learning from your CFI’s, and meeting prospective new members. We set up shop (rain or shine) in the Club Hangar A-17 at KTIW.